32 research outputs found

    Point and find: the intuitive user experience in accessing spatially structured dialect dictionaries

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    This article adresses a long-term project of the “Austrian Academic DialectČlanek predstavlja dolgoročni projekt izdelave avstrijskega akademskega narečnega slovarja bavarskih narečij v Avstriji – Wörterbuch der bairischen Mundarten in Österreich (WBÖ). Projekt DBÖ – Datenbank der bairischen Mundarten (Podatkovna baza bavarskih narečij) se je pričel leta 1993 in je bil namenjen digitalizaciji arhivov. Leta 1998 je bil objavljen načrt racionalizacije, katerega cilj je bil dokončanje slovarja do leta 2020 kot (virtualne) enote, sestavljene iz natisnjenega slovarja in komplementarne podatkovne baze. Izsledki projekta elektronsko kartografirane podatkovne baze bavarskih narečij v Avstriji – dbo@ema kažejo, kako lahko poenotenje spletnih slovarjev in podatkovne baze izvirnih materialov z vizualnim dostopom do georeferenčnih aplikacij in s t. i. topografskimi navigacijami poveča uporabnost in vodi k večjemu interdisciplinarnemu vpogledu. Dictionary” the “Wörterbuch der bairischen Mundarten in Österreich (WBÖ / Dictionary of Bavarian dialects in Austria)”. The project Datenbank der bairischen Mundarten (DBÖ / Database of Bavarian dialects in Austria) commenced in 1993 and was aimed at the digitalisation of the archives. In 1998 a rationalisation concept was issued, which targeted the completion of the dictionary in 2020 as a (virtual) unit consisting of the printed dictionary and a complementary database. The project Database of Bavarian dialects in Austria electronically mapped (dbo@ema) has demonstrated how the unification of online dictionaries and source material databases with visual, geo-referenced access applications and so called ‘topographic navigation’ can increase usability and lead to greater interdisciplinary insight

    The Fun of Exploration: How to Access a Non-Standard Language Corpus Visually

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    Historical dictionaries and non-standard language corpora can greatly benefit from a visual access in order to grasp the inherent tangled and complex nature of the knowledge encapsulated in them. Although visual analytics has been used to tackle a number of language and document related problems, most dictionaries are still reproducing the book metaphor in which Web pages substitute the paper and the user experience is only enhanced by means of hyperlinks. Although fields such as dialectology and dialectal lexicography have incorporated Geographic Information Systems and advanced computational linguistics features, spatio-temporal dynamics can be discovered or understood if appropriate visual analytics techniques are used to surpass the idea of these linguistic resources as alphabetically ordered lists. In this paper we present the work carried out in this direction for the Dictionary of Bavarian Dialects in Austria. By means of multiple-linked views an access that fosters the exploratory analysis of the data is enabled

    Dialect lexicography

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    He aquí una breve presentación de los artículos publicados en este número extraordinario dedicado a la lexicografía dialectal y a los resultados obtenidos de los diferentes proyectos en curso. Los trabajos se centran en diversos aspectos de la presencia de los dialectos en diccionarios ya publicados, algunos de ellos históricos, así como en los contemporáneos, que contribuyen a registrar tanto las variedades lingüísticas que están en peligro de desaparecer como el producto de los nuevos contactos e intercambios lingüísticos.We briefly introduce the papers in this special issue of Dialectologia devoted to dialect lexicography and to the results obtained from different on-going projects. The papers focus on several aspects of the presence of dialects in dictionaries already published, some of them historical, as well as contemporary ones, which help to register both linguistic varieties that are at danger of disappearing as the results of new contacts and language exchanges

    Opening up traditional cultural knowledge by means of European infrastructures: the examples of exploreAT! & EGI Engage

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    The rapid development of new digital tools and infrastructures in recent years and their application to a variety of disciplines has transformed how we store, access and retrieve information available to us. This has also shaped the ways how knowledge in a diverse cultural context is presented, used and re-used. The exploreAT! project builds upon not only Austrian, but also European cultural identity from the aspect of language, in particular dialects. Unlike standard languages, dialects are in times of globalization under considerable threat of diminishing, and this ultimately poses a risk to the intangible record that is language and through which a history of tangible culture is expressed. In this paper we elaborate on the possibilities digital means and the infrastructure and services of the EGI-Engage project offer in revealing and giving access to unique traditional cultural knowledge contained in a non-standard language resource on the example of the Bavarian dialects in Austria (DBÖ). Digital tools and services allow our heterogeneous corpus of data to be virtually exploited and preserved. The flexibility of the internet allow these data to become not only visible, but searchable and extractable. Through the digitization efforts, and use of European infrastructures the hidden cultural narratives within the data can be uncovered, enriched and shared for the benefit of knowledge society

    Displaying Language Diversity on the European Dictionary Portal – COST-Enel-Case Study on Colours and Emotions and their cultural references

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    In this paper we present a case study on colour and emotion terms and their cultural references in the framework of the COST European Network of e-Lexicography (ENeL), working towards Pan-European lexicography. We take an initial use case of red in connection with emotions (anger) and look at its roots across different European languages, including Russian. Our data model offers the possibility of connecting these fields in the context of digital lexicography using markup for etymological information with description standards like ONTOLEX or TEI. This is particularly relevant for using and displaying such data on the European Dictionary Portal, potentially offering access to detailed diachronic and synchronic lexicographic knowledge across a variety of languages.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Towards Multilingual eLexicography by Means of Linked (Open) Data

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    Abstract. In this short paper, we document the current state of work consisting in mapping various lexicographic resources onto the OntoLex model, which is an OWL and RDF(s) based representation format. This model has been designed in the context of a W3C Community Group effort for supporting the publication of linguistic data in the Linked (Open) Data cloud. The deployment of OntoLex is currently being tested within the ISCH COST Action IS1305 European Network of e-Lexicography (ENeL), which is adapting to the field of digital lexicography guidelines that have been suggested by the LIDER FP7 Support Action

    Biographical Data in a Digital World 2022 (BD 2022) Workshop

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